Why Isn’t My Kindle Charging? Troubleshoot & Fix it

Are you having trouble getting your Kindle to charge? In this article, we’ll troubleshoot common issues and provide solutions to help you get your Kindle back up and running.

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Check the charging cable: Ensure that the charging cable is not damaged or frayed, and try using a different cable to see if that resolves the issue.

Assess the Charging Cable and Adapter

Inspect the USB port on both the Kindle device and the adapter for any debris or damage. Use a small flashlight to get a clear view and gently clean out any dirt or lint with a soft brush or compressed air.

If everything appears to be in good condition, try using a different charging cable and adapter to see if the issue is with the original equipment.

Make sure to use the official Amazon Kindle charging cable and adapter, as using third-party accessories may not provide the necessary power for the device to charge properly.

If the Kindle still isn’t charging after trying a different cable and adapter, it may indicate a larger issue with the device itself. In this case, it’s best to contact Amazon customer support for further assistance.

By thoroughly assessing the charging cable and adapter, you can troubleshoot and potentially fix any issues preventing your Kindle from charging properly.

Sometimes a faulty charging cable or adapter can prevent your Kindle from charging properly.

Verify the Power Source and Port Condition

A close-up image of a Kindle charging port and power source.

Next, inspect the power port on your Kindle for any debris or damage. Clean the port with a soft brush or compressed air to remove any dirt or lint that may be blocking the connection.

If the power source and port are in good condition, try using a different power cable and adapter to see if the issue is with the charging accessories.

If your Kindle still isn’t charging, try using a different power outlet or USB port on your computer to rule out any issues with the original power source.

If none of these steps resolve the charging issue, it may be a problem with the Kindle’s battery or charging circuitry. Contact Amazon customer support for further assistance.

By verifying the power source and port condition, you can troubleshoot and potentially fix the charging issue with your Kindle.

Remove Kindle Case Interference

Kindle with case on charging cable

To troubleshoot why your Kindle isn’t charging, one of the first things to check is whether the Kindle case is interfering with the charging process. Sometimes, the case may not allow the charging cable to connect properly to the device, causing it to not charge.

Remove the Kindle case and try charging the device without it. If the Kindle charges without the case, then the case was likely causing interference.

If the Kindle still doesn’t charge after removing the case, try using a different power cable and AC power adapter to rule out any issues with the charging equipment.

If the Kindle charges with a different cable and adapter, then the original cable or adapter may be faulty and need to be replaced.

If none of these solutions work, there may be an issue with the Kindle itself, and it may need to be checked by a professional or returned to Amazon for repairs.

Always make sure to use the proper charging equipment and follow the manufacturer’s guidelines to prevent any damage to the device.

Updated: May 2024

Fortect can help with the issue of “why isn’t my kindle charging” by addressing potential Windows issues, virus damage, freezing computer, damaged DLLs, and even the Blue Screen of Death. It repairs damaged system files, secures the system from viruses, addresses causes of freezing programs, and automatically fixes damaged DLLs.

If the issue is related to any of these aspects, Fortect may be able to help resolve the problem.

Clean the Charging Port Thoroughly

To clean the charging port of your Amazon Kindle thoroughly, start by turning off your Kindle and unplugging it from any power source. Then, use a small brush or compressed air to remove any dust or debris from the charging port. Be gentle to avoid causing any damage to the port.

Next, inspect the port to ensure there are no visible signs of damage or corrosion. If you notice any issues, it may be best to take your Kindle to a professional for further inspection and repair.

After cleaning the port, try charging your Kindle again to see if the issue has been resolved. If not, you may need to consider other troubleshooting steps such as using a different charging cable or power adapter.

Keeping the charging port of your Kindle clean is essential for maintaining a proper connection and ensuring that your device charges effectively.

Perform a Kindle Restart

If your Kindle isn’t charging, one of the first troubleshooting steps you can try is performing a restart. To do this, press and hold the power button for 40 seconds, then release it. After that, press the power button again to turn your Kindle back on. This can help reset the device and resolve any charging issues it may be experiencing.

Another option is to try a hard reset by holding down the power button for 40 seconds, then plugging your Kindle into a power source while still holding the power button for an additional 40 seconds. Release the power button and wait a few seconds before pressing it again to turn your Kindle back on.

If your Kindle still isn’t charging after attempting a restart, there may be an issue with the power source or the device itself. Try using a different AC power plug or USB cable to see if that resolves the problem. You can also try charging your Kindle from a computer to rule out any issues with the power source.

Update Kindle Software

Kindle software update screen

To update your Kindle software, ensure that your device is connected to Wi-Fi or a strong internet connection. Then, follow these steps:

1. Press the “Menu” button on your Kindle and select “Settings.”

2. From the Settings menu, select “Device Options.”

3. Next, select “System Updates.”

4. If there is a software update available, your Kindle will prompt you to download and install it.

5. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the update process.

6. Once the update is complete, restart your Kindle by holding down the power button for a few seconds and then selecting “Restart” from the menu.

7. After the restart, check to see if your Kindle is now charging properly.

Updating your Kindle software can often resolve charging issues and improve overall device performance. If you continue to experience charging problems after updating the software, you may need to consider other troubleshooting steps or contact Amazon customer support for further assistance.

Reset Kindle to Factory Settings

To reset your Kindle to factory settings, follow these steps:

1. First, make sure your Kindle is charged. If it’s not charging, try a different AC power plug and socket.

2. Once your Kindle is charged, go to the Home screen and tap on the Menu icon.

3. From the Menu, select Settings and then tap on Device Options.

4. Next, tap on Reset to Factory Defaults.

5. A warning message will appear, confirming that you want to reset your Kindle. Tap on Reset to confirm.

6. Your Kindle will now reset to factory settings, removing any personal data and settings.

7. After the reset is complete, set up your Kindle again by logging in with your Amazon account.

8. If your Kindle still isn’t charging after the reset, it may be a hardware issue and you should contact Amazon for further assistance.

Remember to back up any important data before performing a factory reset, as this process will erase all content from your Kindle.

Seek Assistance from Amazon Support

If you’re experiencing issues with your Kindle not charging, seeking assistance from Amazon Support can help you troubleshoot and fix the issue. First, ensure that your Kindle is connected to a power source, whether it’s an AC power plug or USB port on your computer. If it’s still not charging, try using a different power source or cable to rule out any issues with the charging equipment.

If you’ve tried different power sources and cables with no success, it’s time to reach out to Amazon Support for further assistance. You can contact them through their website or by calling their customer support line. Be prepared to provide them with details about your device and the troubleshooting steps you’ve already taken.

Amazon Support may walk you through additional troubleshooting steps or provide guidance on how to get your Kindle repaired or replaced if necessary. Remember to have your device’s serial number and any relevant purchase information on hand when reaching out to Amazon Support.

In some cases, the issue may be related to the device’s battery or hardware, which may require professional attention. Amazon Support can provide you with the necessary guidance to address these issues effectively. Don’t hesitate to seek their assistance in resolving your Kindle charging problems.

Example Alert

My kindle may not be charging because the charging cable might be faulty. Download this tool to run a scan

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