World Conference Next Generation Testing (WCNGT-2013) – User friendly Tech help

Today i thought of sharing our experience for “World Conference Next Gen Testing ” which nwas held at Bangalore between 11-12th July, 2013. It was our first exposure to any nconference which was getting organized at an international level, with participation of  neminent personalities from the testing community.nnnnnOur team was lucky to crack the initial two rounds of…

Configure UFT with Terminal Emulator (PCOMM) – User friendly Tech help

Scenario: – How we can configure UFT to recognize Mainframe objects using Terminal Emulator?nPerquisites:- n1.Terminal Emulator add in is already installed.n2.PComm(IBM personal Communication) is also installed, which is our Terminal Emulator in this example. n Note:- Do check the supported version of Terminal Emulator in UFT version.nSolution:- nnStep1:-Check the Terminal Emulator addin from the addin Manager.n n…

How to use FormattedMessage for input placeholder in React? – User friendly Tech help

Problem:- How we can translate the placeholder text for input-box using formatmessage? nn nSolution:-nIf we use react-intl its not meant to be used with  placeholders, alternate text, etc. They render HTML, not plain text, which is not useful in our scenario.nn1. Incase we have one or two values to translate, we can use FormattedMessage as wrapper as…

Automation – User friendly Tech help

1.nmap Installation:- 1.Download the .tar file 2. untar, bzip2 -cd nmap-versionXX.tar.bz2 | tar xvf -cd nmap-versionXXX nmap-version 4. ./configure 5.make 6. su root 7.make install   If all the steps runs successfully, we have the following console message:- NMAP SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED Check the nmap version, nmap –version How to find open ports for given…

Javascript Interview Questions(Part 3) – User friendly Tech help

Here comes more JavaScript questions with solutions.nLearn more share more, do follow us on FB, Twitter , G+ or LinkedIn.nnWhat does NaN function do?nThe isNaN() function determines whether a value is NaN or not. Coercion inside the isNaN function has interesting rules.When the argument to the function is not isNaN() of type Number.The value is first coerced…

How to write my first Test Case using Selenium in Eclipse? – User friendly Tech help

We are already finished with the prerequisite for starting with “Selenium”.Now we are taking a step further towards learning “Selenium”.nYou can also check how to write first program in Eclipse.nnRequirement:-Configuring Selenium Webdriver Jar files in Eclipse to write our first Selenium Program.nnSolution:-nStep1:-Adding Jar files to EclipsennRight Click “Java Project” in Package Explorer ->Build Path ->Configure Build Path n…

vscode – User friendly Tech help

import { LightningElement, track } from ‘lwc’; export default class HelloLWC extends LightningElement { //default values @track typedValue = ”; salutationOptions = [ {‘label’: ‘None’, ‘value’: ‘None’}, {‘label’: ‘Mr.’, ‘value’: ‘Mr.’}, {‘label’: ‘Ms.’, ‘value’: ‘Ms.’}, {‘label’: ‘Mrs.’, ‘value’: ‘Mrs.’}, {‘label’: ‘Dr.’, ‘value’: ‘Dr.’}, {‘label’: ‘Prof.’, ‘value’: ‘Prof.’}, ]; //method on click of button handleClick(){ const…

Dictionary v/s Array? – User friendly Tech help

nWhat is the difference between Dictionary and Array?nnSolution:-nn1.For using Dictionary, we need to create its object using “CreateObject“, method, while Array is declared like normal variables using “Dim“nnExample:-nCreating Dictionary ObjectnSet obj = createobject(“scripting.dictionary”)nn‘Declaring array nDim arr(0)nnn2.Dictionary is more flexible and is richer in terms of built-in functionality. (It has range of methods and properties like Items, remove, Keys,Exists)nnExample:-n‘Creating Dictionary ObjectnSet obj = createobject(“scripting.dictionary”)n‘Using…

Counting File types inside a Folder structure. – User friendly Tech help

How to get count of particular file type inside a Folder. n ‘Function Call fn_FilesInFolder “C:UsersufthelpDocumentsPerso”,”pdf”‘*******************************************Sub*******************************’Function Name:- fn_FilesInFolder’Function Description:- Function finds number of particular files inside a Given folder ‘Input Parameters:- Folder Path,File Type’Output Parameters:- None ‘*****************************************************************************Public Function fn_FilesInFolder(sPath,sFileType) Dim iFiles:iFiles = 0 Dim iCount:iCount = 0 ‘Creating a object to work with Files Set…