Working with Regular Expression Object in UFT /QTP. – User friendly Tech help

Today we are going to touch the key concept in Regular Expression i.e “Creation of  Regular Expression object” and using this we’ll search a given pattern in a string.Regular expression is a frequently used concept in Automation WORLD. n nScenario:- To find the existence of a pattern inside a string which is present in Your …

Various Synchronization techniques in Selenium – User friendly Tech help

Why Synchronization?nIt is required so that our AUT and testing tool are running in sync with each other.For example if our application is taking time to load but our automation tool commands are running fast,than this would result in error. To make sure selenium/UFT waits for the application controls to load, so that tool can…

Screenshot using Selenium – User friendly Tech help

Scenario:-How we can capture error Screenshot while working with Selenium?n n n n n n n Taking Screenshot of nature using Camera n n n nSolution:-We would achieve it using the TakeScreenshot Interface.nnSyntax:-nn1.Capture Screenshot n File sScreenShot = ((TakesScreenshot)driver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE); n nOutputType.FILE:- We have used Interface Output and we have taken the screenshot as “File” typenwe…

Understanding Add-in manager in UFT – User friendly Tech help

What is Addin Manager? It is a software which prepares UFT/QTP to provide support for multiple technologies. As we know UFT supports for wide range of environment like Windows (.Net, Java), Web, SAP,Oracle.Thus Addin manager assist UFT to work with various platforms.nnn Example:- n In case we want to automate web application (Say facebook), and…

Robot Framework- Working with Excel Library(Part-1) – User friendly Tech help

In part-1 we would discuss on Installing Excel Library to work with Robot Framework. n True Success is balance. For me, this means Health, Wealth, Happiness. n So I try and get 1% better each week in each of these areas. n Lets learn the robot framework integration with Robot Framework to enhance our skills….

AngularJS $watch() ,$digest() and $apply() – User friendly Tech help

This post is meant for novice AngularJS programmers to enlighten them with basic comprehension of how data-binding works. To deep-dive into data-binding, you need a clear vision of how $watch(), $digest(), $apply() and dirty checking works.Lets go step by step on this topic.nnDo folow us on FB page, Twitter or G+ for more updates and learning.nn“It is not about doing so…

How to work with IFrame in Selenium. – User friendly Tech help

Scenario:–nOur application has a iFrame control, how we can work with this control using Selenium.n n n n n n Learn to solve the iFrame puzzle in selenium n n n nSolution:-nLets try to understand iFrame first.nnWhat is iFrame?nAn iFrame (or Inline Frame) is an HTML document embedded inside the current HTML document on a…

Install Log4j in Eclipse – User friendly Tech help

We are done with basic introduction to log4j, now lets make our setup ready to work with log4j in selenium.nnDownload  Log4j:-nStep1:-nOpen the link:-nNote:- we have used the older version of log4j1.2x in our example code, nNew version of is also available.nStep2:-nClick on the below link  n n n n n n log4j zip file link n n…