Robot Framework- Working with Excel Library(Part-2) – User friendly Tech help

Life is short..share while you still have knowledge.nWe started with installation of Excel Library in Robot Framework , today we would focus on utilizing the keywords present in the Excel Library.nNext is publishing run results into ExcelnnWe can connect on Fb,G+,Twitter to spread more learning.nnScenario:- How we can fetch data from Excel in Robot framework to parameter our test cases.nnSolution:-…

lwc – User friendly Tech help

import { LightningElement, track } from ‘lwc’; export default class HelloLWC extends LightningElement { //default values @track typedValue = ”; salutationOptions = [ {‘label’: ‘None’, ‘value’: ‘None’}, {‘label’: ‘Mr.’, ‘value’: ‘Mr.’}, {‘label’: ‘Ms.’, ‘value’: ‘Ms.’}, {‘label’: ‘Mrs.’, ‘value’: ‘Mrs.’}, {‘label’: ‘Dr.’, ‘value’: ‘Dr.’}, {‘label’: ‘Prof.’, ‘value’: ‘Prof.’}, ]; //method on click of button handleClick(){ const…

How to compare values in Custom Metadata with given object in Apex – User friendly Tech help

Problem- Admin wants some value as configurable and set in custom metadata, now as a developer, we want to perform an action based on the matching of this mdt with values in say platform field on the account object n public Boolean validatePlatform() {n System.debug(‘Inside validatePlatform’);n List lstOfPlatforms = new List(); n Boolean isValidPlatform =…

How to call Javascript/VBS functions in Robot Framework. – User friendly Tech help

Scenario:-How we can call javascript/vbs functions in Robot Framework?nSolution:- nVBS:-nUsing the python function to call the VBS file. n Download the working code. n Javascript:-nUsing the inbuilt Keyword in Selenium2Lib called as “Execute Javascript“. nn Learn Robot Frameworkn

Easy way to calculate Return on Investment in Automation – User friendly Tech help

Automation of software testing process always sounds good to Quality Engineer (QE) managers. Intuitively, you see that creating an automated test one time and then running it hundreds or thousands of times will enable you to expand test coverage, find defects earlier, and focus manual test effort where it is really needed. n n n…

Practical issues and solutions for working with JMeter – Part3 – User friendly Tech help

Scenario1:-nHow i can extract jmeter response into a variable?nSolution:-nWe can achieve it in different ways, we used Json Path PostProcessornin our example, nLets say our response json is in the given format:-nn{ “sensorId”: “123456bc-25e8-48e1-8abe-b24efe461501”, “sensorName”: “waterTemp”, “serialNumber”: “4345633352864906”, “status”: “ENABLED”}n Now to extract sensorId based on the “sensorNumber” we can extract it in following manner.  nn…