Apex – User friendly Tech help

CONTROL YOUR EMOTIONS TO EMPOWER YOUR BRAIN Problem:-Clients api was having redirect policy on the server but its not handled by Vlocity integration procedure(IP), thus its failing with 307 response code Solution:-  Error:- 307 Temporary Redirect Inside IP create “Remote Action” to refer the Apex class and apex method, which handles the redirect 307 error. […]



The log must be generated with log categories Apex code at the FINEST level and Visualforce at the FINER level.? THINK OOTB Problem- When running apex replay debugger, in VSCode on a debug file it generates error message. Solution:-  Follow what error is saying and update the first line of log file, before running the […]



How to compare values in Custom Metadata with a given object field in Apex learn more share more Problem- Admin wants some value as configurable and set in custom metadata, now as a developer, we want to perform an action based on the matching of this mdt with values in say platform field on the […]



How to configure Prettier to work with Apex Salesforce code in VSCode Yes that is possible Prerequisite:- VSCode is fully configured to work with Salesforce Select the existing Salesforce Project. At the root level run the below command in the Terminal npm init //this will create package.json file to track npm dependencies Run the below […]


Salesforce journey as Admin or Developer. As admin means no code, which Salesforce propagates and as a developer, you’ll use Apex coding (based on oops concepts). salesforce admin or app builder:- Page Layouts, Lightning pages, Profiles, Permission sets Reports, Dashboards Workflow Rules Process builder Flows Standard objects Custom objects (meaning tables in db terms) salesforce […]


Scenario:- How to call Queueable Apex inside platform events  Step1:- Have a button(can be vlocity action or vlocity Omniscript guided flow) on SFDC UI to call the “Apex Handler” Step2:- “Apex Handler” will call Platform Event //calling PE with the required params Demo_Platform_Event__e peObj = new Demo_Platform_Event__e( EndPoint_Url__c = endPointUrl ); Database.SaveResult sr = EventBus.publish(peObj); […]


Scenario:- Automate record creation Install the unmanaged package for the schema and stubs for Apex classes and triggers. Rename cases and products to match the HowWeRoll schema, and assign all profiles to the custom HowWeRoll page layouts for those objects. Use the included package content to automatically create a Routine Maintenance request every time a […]

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