salesforce – Page 3 – User friendly Tech help

Lets learn how to create Salesforce project in visual studio code editor Install sfdx-cli on your pc by typing command in terminal > npm install -g sfdx-cli Verify installation is complete > sfdx -version Install the Salesforce Extension Pack, inside vscode > extensions > Salesforce Extension Pack Create sfdx project in vscode press cmd+shift+p inside…

Salesforce – Page 3 – User friendly Tech help

import { LightningElement, track } from ‘lwc’; export default class HelloLWC extends LightningElement { //default values @track typedValue = ”; salutationOptions = [ {‘label’: ‘None’, ‘value’: ‘None’}, {‘label’: ‘Mr.’, ‘value’: ‘Mr.’}, {‘label’: ‘Ms.’, ‘value’: ‘Ms.’}, {‘label’: ‘Mrs.’, ‘value’: ‘Mrs.’}, {‘label’: ‘Dr.’, ‘value’: ‘Dr.’}, {‘label’: ‘Prof.’, ‘value’: ‘Prof.’}, ]; //method on click of button handleClick(){ const…

First Test Case using log4j – User friendly Tech help

After installation and basic overview of log4j, we are implementing log4j in our first test case.Here we would be configuring log4j pro-grammatically but recommended approach is to use it manually by using configuration file.nnAlso we would be utilizing the main components of log4j i.e. Logger,Appender and Layout.Lets go step by step. n n n n n n Log4j…