Apex Superbadge (part-1) – User friendly Tech help

n Scenario:- Automate record creation n n Install the unmanaged package for the schema and stubs for Apex classes and triggers. Rename cases and products to match the HowWeRoll schema, and assign all profiles to the custom HowWeRoll page layouts for those objects. Use the included package content to automatically create a Routine Maintenance request…

Cracking JavaScript,HTML and CSS Interviews (Part-1) – User friendly Tech help

Today we are sharing our first interview post for our web developer community. Hope it facilitate them in achieving their aspirations.n“First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.” by Nicholas Klein n n n n n n Add caption n n n JavaScript:-n1) what are the Data types…

How to Encyrpt and Decrypt Password in UFT? – User friendly Tech help

 Requirement:-nnWe don’t want to share our application(say Oracle database) login password , but rather encrypt it and while using the SQL query we need it to be decrypted at runtime.nnSolution:-nFirstly we will Encrypt the password and then decrypt it.nEncryption:-nnApproach 1:-nnUsing Crypt utlity Object. nMethod used :- Encrypt n n n n n n Syntax n n n Code:-…

Working with Regular Expression Object in UFT /QTP. – User friendly Tech help

Today we are going to touch the key concept in Regular Expression i.e “Creation of  Regular Expression object” and using this we’ll search a given pattern in a string.Regular expression is a frequently used concept in Automation WORLD. n nScenario:- To find the existence of a pattern inside a string which is present in Your …

Various Synchronization techniques in Selenium – User friendly Tech help

Why Synchronization?nIt is required so that our AUT and testing tool are running in sync with each other.For example if our application is taking time to load but our automation tool commands are running fast,than this would result in error. To make sure selenium/UFT waits for the application controls to load, so that tool can…

Screenshot using Selenium – User friendly Tech help

Scenario:-How we can capture error Screenshot while working with Selenium?n n n n n n n Taking Screenshot of nature using Camera n n n nSolution:-We would achieve it using the TakeScreenshot Interface.nnSyntax:-nn1.Capture Screenshot n File sScreenShot = ((TakesScreenshot)driver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE); n nOutputType.FILE:- We have used Interface Output and we have taken the screenshot as “File” typenwe…