CSS Positioning – User friendly Tech help

Meaning of CSS Positioning:-nThe CSS positioning property provides options to position an element. An element is said to be positioned if it its position property has a value other than static .Positioned elements results in boxes by using four properties – top, bottom, left, right.nnSyntax:-n position: static|absolute|fixed|relative|initial|inherit; n Types of positioning:-nStatic: n div { position:…

How to change Settings of Remote Agent ? – User friendly Tech help

After launching the Remote Agent successfully. we can play with the settings of Remote Agent in UFT.nnApproach 1:-nThe Remote Agent’s icon will appear as a Taskbar Button(Check the far bottom right of the taskbar). Right click on remote agent button and select “Settings” from the context menu. n n n n n n Remote Agent…

How to append zero(0) to user defined date? – User friendly Tech help

Scenario:- Creating date in user defined format like MM/DD/YYYY?nnSolution:- In one of our application automation, we came across a situation, where we nwanted to validate the date displayed on the AUT, for that we created the logical date to match with Actual Result .nnBut our validation was failing, reason being, for the single digit dates like 2nd month…

How to Downgrade the existing Sass Version ? – User friendly Tech help

Issue :- We installed the newest version of compass but it is giving unpleasant error. How we can downgrade to an older version to make things working.nnSolution:-nWhen installing compass (v1.0.1), it will download the latest sass v3.4.6 (because it’s a dependency), but compass won’t work with the latest sass. You have to downgrade sass to…

Practical issues and solutions for working with JMeter – Part1 – User friendly Tech help

Most of the time we are struck with very granular issues with JMeter. To overcome these type of hurdles we are sharing the pragmatic solutions to problems.nnRefer part2 of learning for more issuesnnDo share your issues/solutions in the comment section below to help others as we always believe sharing is caring, and Life is short..share…

Install oracle free edition with IDE on Linux machine? – User friendly Tech help

Problem:- How to install the latest free edition of oracle database with IDE?nSolution:-nA) First we’ll install oracle database and then install the sql developer ide. n Steps:-Follow the below steps to install the 11g database(latest when this post was written) n Download the latest oracle version for ubuntu n n Unzip using the command:n unzip…

Understanding Interface concept of Java in Selenium – User friendly Tech help

When we first start with selenium automation our very first line of code comes as :-nWebDriver driver = new FireFoxDriver;n Have we ever thought what is the meaning of this code of line …WebDriver driver ?nSimple answer to this is “WebDriver is an Interface,and we are defining a reference variable(driver) whose type is an interface.Now any…

Creating Pivot chart for ALM reporting. – User friendly Tech help

How we created our automation progress  report from ALM to Email in 30 minutes?nnRequirement:–nWe need to showcase our management regarding the  progress in Automation.So rather than giving them quantitative data we thought of sharing it in more presentable manner using Pivot charts.nnHope it help our fellow automation friends in creating easy and rapid reports.nPlease feel free to…

Jmeter Error :- Cannot have single quote-char in quoted field:[“] ? – User friendly Tech help

Problem:-We used CSV data Set Config element in our Jmeter test to parameterize our request. But we faced the below error in logs:-nnERROR – jmeter.config.CSVDataSet: java.io.IOException: Cannot have single quote-char in quoted field:[“] nnSolution:- nOpen the “CSV Data Set Config” > Set “Allow quoted data?” to False (By default is true) n nWhy this as Jmeter by default will think…

Robot Framework- Working with Excel Library(Part-2) – User friendly Tech help

Life is short..share while you still have knowledge.nWe started with installation of Excel Library in Robot Framework , today we would focus on utilizing the keywords present in the Excel Library.nNext is publishing run results into ExcelnnWe can connect on Fb,G+,Twitter to spread more learning.nnScenario:- How we can fetch data from Excel in Robot framework to parameter our test cases.nnSolution:-…