Answers to UFT interview Questions (Part-3) – User friendly Tech help

Answers:-nn1. Following are the main disadvantages of Shared OR:-nn As this is shared across projects, incase user deletesupdates any of the object by mistake, it results in failure of all the Test scripts with which Shared OR is attached.nnConcurrent issue, Only one user can edit the Shared OR at a time, so in multiple user team…

Meaning of Web Service and Its Key components in SOAP-UI – User friendly Tech help

Scenario :- Understanding concept of Web services, its working and what is a SOAP, UDDI , XML , UDDI . How we can implement SOAP-UI .nnn n n n n n Web Service (Request-Response) n n n nnnSolution :- This video tutorial is created which covers all the basic information of web service and its…

Various techniques to Refresh Browser window in Selenium – User friendly Tech help

Scenario: -We need to refresh the current instance of Application, using Selenium?nn n n n n n Refresh Yourself  n n n nSolution:-nnApproach1:- nUsing “Navigation” commands, we have already read about navigation commands, now we will try to use its methods to refresh the page.nnSyntax:-  n driver.navigate().refresh(); n nApproach2:-nUsing “Get” Commands. We will use “GetCurrentUrl()” command,nThis…

Working with Excel Object Model in UFT – User friendly Tech help

In this video tutorial we are going to discuss, working with Excel in UFT using our “Excel Object Model“.nnTopics discussed:- n n Understanding Excel object model(Application, Workbooks, Worksheet,Cell) n Creating the corresponding objects for accessing Excel objects n Fetching single cell data from excel n Fetching data from complete Excel n Writing data into Excel…

Example Scenarios of GetRoProperty in UFT – User friendly Tech help

1. How to fetch the title of opened browser using UFT? n Variable DeclarationDim sTitle , objDesc ,objBrowser’Creating Description ObjectSet objDesc = Description.Create’Description object is pointing to BrowserobjDesc(“micclass”).value = “Browser”‘Fetching all the opened BrowserSet objBrowser = Desktop.ChildObjects(objDesc)’Taking the tile of the opened browser using GetROPropertyFor iCounter = 0 to objBrowser.Count -1 MsgBox “Title of opened…

Running Selenium test case in Google Chrome? – User friendly Tech help

We have already learned to execute selenium test case in Firefox browser . Now we thought of running the same test on “Google Chrome”.nnRequirement:- Executing selenium webdriver test case in Google chrome for the first time.nnSolution:-nWe simply tried to change the previous code and passed the reference of “chromedriver”.nnBefore :-n  WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();nAfter:-n …

Getting started with Sass (Installation) – User friendly Tech help

Requirement:-nnInstalling Sass on Windows/Linux/Mac platform.nnWhat is Sass?nSass(Syntactically Awesome StyleSheets) is an extension of CSS that adds power and elegance to the basic language. It allows you to use variables, nested rules, mixins, inline imports, and more, all with fully CSS-compatible syntax and adds features to combat shortcomings. Sass helps keep large stylesheets well-organized, and get…

How to download a file from ALM in UFT using OTA? – User friendly Tech help

Requirement:-nHow we can download a give file from ALM (“Test Resources” Tab) using OTA?nn n n n n n Test Resources Tab n n n nnSolution:-nWe will utilize “QCUtil” , a utility object available in UFT, to leverage the methods and properties of OTA(Open Test Architecture) for downloading the user given file.nnLogic:-nOur approach is to…