Exploring Data Type & Variables in Java – User friendly Tech help

Java is a strongly typed programming language unlike Vbscript,Perl.In novice terms it means that all the variables in the Java programming language ought to have a particular data type.nnExample we cannot use a variable say “xyz” in the code before declaring this like:- String xyz;nnWhat is a Variable?nVariable is the name given to the reserved…

Vue.js npm run dev error with vue-cli – User friendly Tech help

Problem:- On running the npm run dev, command after installing vue-cli, following error is thrown?nStarting dev server…events.js:160      throw er; // Unhandled ‘error’ event n       ^ n Error: listen EADDRINUSE :::8080    at Object.exports._errnoException (util.js:1026:11)    at exports._exceptionWithHostPort (util.js:1049:20)    at Server._listen2 (net.js:1262:14)    at listen (net.js:1298:10) n     at Server.listen (net.js:1376:9)…. n Solution:-nFrom above error we can get…

Some basic manual testing questions? – User friendly Tech help

Today we are sharing some of the frequently asked manual interview questions:- n n Difference between testing and QA? n What is the difference between System testing and End-End testing? n What is the significance of V-model in testing? n Difference between Sanity and Smoke Testing? n Please explain Verification and Validation? n Can a…

Dataraptor not returning output as an list of array? – User friendly Tech help

Problem- Had an issue, where omniscript using dataratpor was breaking as the data returned was not in form of an array. n This problem happens when dataraptor returns only a single node to data, its output as an object, rather than an array of objects. n Like below:- n What we need it as below:-…

Handy tips and Tools for working with wordpress -Part1? – User friendly Tech help

Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.” Robert Louis Stevenson n 1.How to add icons in wordpress pages ?nSolution:-nBy using the “Better Font Awesome” pluginnSteps1:- Install and activate the plugin in wordpress. n Steps2:- Search the given icon from the font-awesome library, add the code in…

How to Search a Numeric value inside a String ? – User friendly Tech help

Hello Automation lovers, during these sweltering summers it is really arduous to sharensomething with the community. From a long time, I was thinking to share some logic for nsearching numbers in a Text.nnBy the grace of GOD, today is lucky Day 🙂n n Scenario: – How we can search a Numeric Value inside a given Text/String/File?nnSolution:-…

Working with Text Files in Selenium using Java – User friendly Tech help

Today we are going to focus on learning to work with Text Files in Selenium. nWe have already dealt with Exceptions in Selenium now we will focus on how to open/write/read to a text file. Further we would utilize the learning in our real life example of reading all the links on page and write it…

Tips and Tricks for working with UFT? – User friendly Tech help

Just for a change we tend to thought of attempting some out of way features offered in UFT.nnWe implemented the Runners logic:-i’m tired…i think i’ll opt for a run.nWe were tired of sharing orthodox topics, so we thought lets share some less browse topics, Hope it motivates our followers to learn more and grow morennDo…

How to Catch Exceptions in Java? – User friendly Tech help

We understood the basics of Exception in Java, now we will move towards handling these exceptions. We are aware of the fact that when error is detected, an exception is thrown. This means the normal code execution stops and the control are transferred to the catch clause for that exception of the first enclosing try…