Robot Framework- Working with Excel Library(Part-2) – User friendly Tech help

Life is short..share while you still have knowledge.nWe started with installation of Excel Library in Robot Framework , today we would focus on utilizing the keywords present in the Excel Library.nNext is publishing run results into ExcelnnWe can connect on Fb,G+,Twitter to spread more learning.nnScenario:- How we can fetch data from Excel in Robot framework to parameter our test cases.nnSolution:-…

Keyword Driven Framework in Automation – User friendly Tech help

What is a Keyword Framework?nnKeyword Driven Framework refer to an application-independent automation framework, where for a particular test case, we would create an set of keywords and then associate an action (or function) which each of these keyword.These keywords run independent of the test automation tool used to execute them and the test script code that “drives” the application-under-test and…

Executing first test case in Selenium IDE – User friendly Tech help

We are done with basic overview of Selenium IDE and its installation,now we are sailing towards writing our first test case in Selenium  IDE.nnAutomation Scenario:-n1.Launch Gmail Applicationn2.Fill wrong values of Email and Passwordn3.Click “Sign in” buttonn4.Verify the Error MessagennRemember our flow will consist of “Record” ->”Playback”nnSolution:-nnStep1:- n n Launch Firefox,open Selenium IDE(ALT+CTRL+S) n Type the…

How to use visual studio code for Salesforce? – User friendly Tech help

n Lets learn how to create Salesforce project in visual studio code editor n n n Install sfdx-cli on your pc by typing command in terminal > npm install -g sfdx-cli n Verify installation is complete > sfdx -version n Install the Salesforce Extension Pack, inside vscode > extensions > Salesforce Extension Pack n Create…

ActiveX component can’t create object: ‘Mercury.ObjectRepositoryUtil’ – User friendly Tech help

Recently we got this error while running our .vbs file, external to UFT.  n It is a common error that one can encounter while working with .VBS files. n Let us focus on the possible solution for the same. n Please feel free to share your experience on the same.As always their are 100 of…

How to connect Robot Framework to various databases? – User friendly Tech help

The mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensionsn nn nSolution:-nnBasic flow of working with database with any automation tool is same the way we will do it manually,ncreate connection to database -> send queries to db -> consume the results.nFor automation tools like UFT we can used createobject methods without…

Robot Framework- Working with Excel Library(Part-2) – User friendly Tech help

Life is short..share while you still have knowledge.nWe started with installation of Excel Library in Robot Framework , today we would focus on utilizing the keywords present in the Excel Library.nNext is publishing run results into ExcelnnWe can connect on Fb,G+,Twitter to spread more learning.nnScenario:- How we can fetch data from Excel in Robot framework to parameter our test cases.nnSolution:-…

Best Practices:- Working with Robot Framework – User friendly Tech help

It is never too late to become smarter or better…Never stop learning.n We started with installation of Robot framework, followed with first test case and further implementing the same in RIDE.Today we would focus on some of the best practices while working with Robot Framework(RF). n Always remember if you are bored, it means that you are doing it wrong….

Introduction to TestNG in Selenium – User friendly Tech help

In our last tutorials we covered the basic aspects of Selenium. Now we are moving towards intermediate phase so that we can inculcate framework level things in Selenium execution.n n Today we are focusing on Test NG framework; we will touch its key components which will mentor us to use its capabilities with Selenium. n…