Practical issues and solutions for working with JMeter – Part3 – User friendly Tech help

Scenario1:-nHow i can extract jmeter response into a variable?nSolution:-nWe can achieve it in different ways, we used Json Path PostProcessornin our example, nLets say our response json is in the given format:-nn{ “sensorId”: “123456bc-25e8-48e1-8abe-b24efe461501”, “sensorName”: “waterTemp”, “serialNumber”: “4345633352864906”, “status”: “ENABLED”}n Now to extract sensorId based on the “sensorNumber” we can extract it in following manner.  nn…

Various techniques to Refresh Browser window in Selenium – User friendly Tech help

Scenario: -We need to refresh the current instance of Application, using Selenium?nn n n n n n Refresh Yourself  n n n nSolution:-nnApproach1:- nUsing “Navigation” commands, we have already read about navigation commands, now we will try to use its methods to refresh the page.nnSyntax:-  n driver.navigate().refresh(); n nApproach2:-nUsing “Get” Commands. We will use “GetCurrentUrl()” command,nThis…

How to Select random value from a DropDownList using Selenium or UFT – User friendly Tech help

Requirement:- We need to select random value from a given dropdownlist, to test the functionality how our AUT would behave under varying selection of options. n n n n n n DropDownlist + HTML code n n n nApproach:-n1.We would take the count of existing options in the weblist/dropdownlist .n2.Take a random value between 0(starting…

How to add HyperLink in Excel using UFT/QTP? – User friendly Tech help

Scenario:-nHow we can add “HyperLink” to a Excel Cell.nWe used this thing while “Reporting” UFT results.Hyperlinks was used as pointer to screenshot of Results after the execution of Scripts.nnMethod 1n Logic:- We’ll use HyperLinks.Add method of Excel worksheet to create a Hyperlink.nStep1:- Activate the particular cell that we want as “Hyperlink”nStep2:- Add the Destination path…

Interview Question on Arrays in UFT – User friendly Tech help

Please find some of the Questions related to Array’s in vbscripting :-nnn1. How many types of Array are there?nn2. Can we redefine the index of an Array?nn3. What is the difference between an Array and Dictionary Object?nn4. How can we get lower index and upper index of an Array?nn5. If Array is of index 10,…

How to implement Highlight in Selenium WebDriver? – User friendly Tech help

Highlight is the most prominent feature used in Object Spy in UFT/QTP. But the question comes into our mind can we have the same facility in Selenium also?.nnAnswer is YES!!n n n n n n n I want to highlight object in selenium n n n Why we use Highlight?nHighlight plays crucial role in  debugging…

Robot Framework- Working with Excel Library(Part-2) – User friendly Tech help

Life is short..share while you still have knowledge.nWe started with installation of Excel Library in Robot Framework , today we would focus on utilizing the keywords present in the Excel Library.nNext is publishing run results into ExcelnnWe can connect on Fb,G+,Twitter to spread more learning.nnScenario:- How we can fetch data from Excel in Robot framework to parameter our test cases.nnSolution:-…