Using Custom LWC inside Vlocity Omniscript – User friendly Tech help

Problem: Due to omniscript limitations, you might find the need to incorporate custom LWC to meet specific requirements. Solution: Acquiring the Custom LWC: Obtain the custom LWC from the salesforce Lightning web components. For this example, we’re using a radio group. Incorporating into Omniscript Designer: Navigate to Omniscript Designer > Inputs and drag the “Custom…

Understanding Add-in manager in UFT – User friendly Tech help

What is Addin Manager? It is a software which prepares UFT/QTP to provide support for multiple technologies. As we know UFT supports for wide range of environment like Windows (.Net, Java), Web, SAP,Oracle.Thus Addin manager assist UFT to work with various platforms.nnn Example:- n In case we want to automate web application (Say facebook), and…

Screenshot using Selenium – User friendly Tech help

Scenario:-How we can capture error Screenshot while working with Selenium?n n n n n n n Taking Screenshot of nature using Camera n n n nSolution:-We would achieve it using the TakeScreenshot Interface.nnSyntax:-nn1.Capture Screenshot n File sScreenShot = ((TakesScreenshot)driver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE); n nOutputType.FILE:- We have used Interface Output and we have taken the screenshot as “File” typenwe…

User friendly Tech help – Helping ppl learn

Ignore trivial things and train your mind to think big Solution:-  Create CustomMetadata type in salesforce (Setup > custom metatype) Create Extract Dataraptor Select object = “custom metadata Name“ Do the mapping of input JSON and expected output JSON Preview runs the datatraptor   n n Tags Dataraptor, salesforce, Vlocity n n CONTROL YOUR EMOTIONS…

Regression Testing v/s Re-Testing – User friendly Tech help

Problem:– Understanding the difference between Regression and RE-TestingnnnExample:-nSuppose you were testing some software application and you found defects in some ncomponent.nn 1. You log a defect in bug tracking tool. n2. Developer will fix that defect and provide you with the new build with bug fix.n3. You need to re-run the failed test cases to make sure that…

Expand and collapse single Lightning web component Accordion

Problem: We need an account accordion that can be expanded and collapsed by the user. By default, it should be launched in a collapsed state. Solution: A custom solution was designed by playing with the properties of the current LWC accordion. The key was to use the “allow-multiple-sections-open” property and set the active section “active-section-name”…