Working with Reporter Object, MsgBox and Print Statement in UFT? – User friendly Tech help

Following video tutorial covers the mostly used scenario’s for reporting results in UFT/QTP.nnFor reporting in Selenium we need ReportNGnnJust a brief summary of topics that are highlighted inthe video, firstly we discussed the usage of “MsgBox and Print Statements” with their differences and then our main focus was on “Reporter Utility Object“,in this we focused…

How to call Javascript/VBS functions in Robot Framework. – User friendly Tech help

Scenario:-How we can call javascript/vbs functions in Robot Framework?nSolution:- nVBS:-nUsing the python function to call the VBS file. n Download the working code. n Javascript:-nUsing the inbuilt Keyword in Selenium2Lib called as “Execute Javascript“. nn Learn Robot Frameworkn

Install oracle free edition with IDE on Linux machine? – User friendly Tech help

Problem:- How to install the latest free edition of oracle database with IDE?nSolution:-nA) First we’ll install oracle database and then install the sql developer ide. n Steps:-Follow the below steps to install the 11g database(latest when this post was written) n Download the latest oracle version for ubuntu n n Unzip using the command:n unzip…

Call to Existing Action in UFT ? – User friendly Tech help

What is a Action in UFT ? n Action is a logical set of statements which provides structure to our automation testing.In simple words,Actions help us divide our test into logical parts.For instance our Application = ‘Booking Tickets”, can have action’s like Login to application, Book the ticket, Credit card payment and Logout .nThus we…

Selenium interview questions Part-3 – User friendly Tech help

QA Developer interview questions for SAP….nn n n1.Explain the Architecture of Selenium?nn2.How is it possible to implement Selenium using different languages?n n 3.How can we check that application is responsive? n n4.What is the data structure that implement LIFO?nHint:- Stack n n5.How to search “selenium” from 10,000 text files in a Folder? n n6.How we…

Robot Framework- Working with Excel Library(Part-2) – User friendly Tech help

Life is short..share while you still have knowledge.nWe started with installation of Excel Library in Robot Framework , today we would focus on utilizing the keywords present in the Excel Library.nNext is publishing run results into ExcelnnWe can connect on Fb,G+,Twitter to spread more learning.nnScenario:- How we can fetch data from Excel in Robot framework to parameter our test cases.nnSolution:-…

Robot Framework- Working with Excel Library(Part-2) – User friendly Tech help

Life is short..share while you still have knowledge.nWe started with installation of Excel Library in Robot Framework , today we would focus on utilizing the keywords present in the Excel Library.nNext is publishing run results into ExcelnnWe can connect on Fb,G+,Twitter to spread more learning.nnScenario:- How we can fetch data from Excel in Robot framework to parameter our test cases.nnSolution:-…

Exception handling in Java? – User friendly Tech help

Exception handling plays a crucial part in mastering Selenium, and designing Frameworks, thus we thought of digging deeper into this topic.We have also discussed about ways of handling Exceptions. n nLet’s begin with keynotes before starting with the detailed explanation:- n n An exception is any event, which interrupts the normal flow of the program execution….

Robot Framework- Working with Excel Library(Part-2) – User friendly Tech help

Life is short..share while you still have knowledge.nWe started with installation of Excel Library in Robot Framework , today we would focus on utilizing the keywords present in the Excel Library.nNext is publishing run results into ExcelnnWe can connect on Fb,G+,Twitter to spread more learning.nnScenario:- How we can fetch data from Excel in Robot framework to parameter our test cases.nnSolution:-…

JavaScript Questions-(Part-2) – User friendly Tech help

n n n n n Prepare well to crack Interview’s n n n nn1.What is the functionality of DOM?nn2.Tell different ways to refresh the page?nlocation.reload()nhistory.go()nwindow.location.hrefnn3.How to assign value to ViewState?nViewState.Add(“Name”,”UFT”);nViewState[“Name”] = “UFT”;nn4.What is the output of JS Code?nvar title=”User Friendly Techy Help”;nvar char = title[13];nalert(char);nn5.How to make this string capitalize “UFT”;nn6.What will be the output…