Image – User friendly Tech help

A wet man does not fear the rain. Issue:-How do I check if an object has a key in JavaScript? Example:- // Sample Object const REMINDER = “REMIND_ME”; reminderObj= { INBOX:`${REMINDER}_INBOX`, USERS:`${REMINDER}_USERS`, GROUPS:`${REMINDER}_GROUPS`, } Problem1: Now we want to check that our object have “INBOX” as key or not? Solution:-,”INBOX”); Note:- We could directly […]


Problem:- How we can translate the placeholder text for input-box using formatmessage? Solution:- If we use react-intl its not meant to be used with  placeholders, alternate text, etc. They render HTML, not plain text, which is not useful in our scenario. 1. Incase we have one or two values to translate, we can use FormattedMessage as wrapper […]


Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.” Robert Louis Stevenson 1.How to add icons in wordpress pages ? Solution:- By using the “Better Font Awesome” plugin Steps1:- Install and activate the plugin in wordpress. Steps2:- Search the given icon from the font-awesome library, add the code […]

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