Regression Testing v/s Re-Testing – User friendly Tech help

Problem:– Understanding the difference between Regression and RE-TestingnnnExample:-nSuppose you were testing some software application and you found defects in some ncomponent.nn 1. You log a defect in bug tracking tool. n2. Developer will fix that defect and provide you with the new build with bug fix.n3. You need to re-run the failed test cases to make sure that…

Handling redirect in Vlocity Integration Procedure having response code of 307 – User friendly Tech help

Problem:-Clients api was having redirect policy on the server but its not handled by Vlocity integration procedure(IP), thus its failing with 307 response code n Solution:-  n n Error:- 307 Temporary Redirect n Inside IP create “Remote Action” to refer the Apex class and apex method, which handles the redirect 307 error. n Note:- This…

Regression Testing v/s Re-Testing – User friendly Tech help

Problem:– Understanding the difference between Regression and RE-TestingnnnExample:-nSuppose you were testing some software application and you found defects in some ncomponent.nn 1. You log a defect in bug tracking tool. n2. Developer will fix that defect and provide you with the new build with bug fix.n3. You need to re-run the failed test cases to make sure that…

Naming conventions for various Vlocity components – User friendly Tech help

This is just a recommendation list, please feel free to share your thoughts and suggestions, to help others n n ClientName_VlocityAbbrevationComponentName n n n n SN n Type n Type-SuggestedPrefix n SuggestedName n n n 1 n VlocityOmniScript n DT_OsXXXX n Example: DT_OsShowUsers n n n 2 n VlocityIntegrationProcedure n DT_IpXXXX n Example: DT_IpGetUsersList n…

javascript – User friendly Tech help

import { LightningElement, track } from ‘lwc’; export default class HelloLWC extends LightningElement { //default values @track typedValue = ”; salutationOptions = [ {‘label’: ‘None’, ‘value’: ‘None’}, {‘label’: ‘Mr.’, ‘value’: ‘Mr.’}, {‘label’: ‘Ms.’, ‘value’: ‘Ms.’}, {‘label’: ‘Mrs.’, ‘value’: ‘Mrs.’}, {‘label’: ‘Dr.’, ‘value’: ‘Dr.’}, {‘label’: ‘Prof.’, ‘value’: ‘Prof.’}, ]; //method on click of button handleClick(){ const…

How to solve the issue with Resize of TextArea in IE using JQUERY? – User friendly Tech help

Requirement:- We need our TextArea should be flexible to be re-sized by user in Internet Explorer?nnSolution:-nWe followed the approach of JQuery to solve the problem.nnMethod:-nResizable nnWorking DemonCode:-nnnCSS:-n n n n n n CSS part n n n HTML:- n n n n n n HTML Code n n n JavaScript:- n n n n n n JavaScript n n…