Addin for UFT-11.5 , QC/ALM integration. – User friendly Tech help

What is Unified Functional Testing Add-in ? n The Unified Functional Testing Add-in integrates ALM and Quality Center with Unified Functional Testing (UFT), enabling you to do the following using Quality Center or ALM:n n n Create UFT GUI tests and add them to the test plan tree n  View UFT tests n  View UFT…

Understanding Browser methods, by opening multifarious Tabs of Browser in UFT

To grasp the various common methods of the Browser Object in UFT, we’ll demonstrate by opening two tabs within the same browser instance. Scenario: How can we open webpages in different tabs of the same browser? Solution: Launch the browser and open a webpage (e.g., ““). Within the same instance, open another tab and redirect…

How to randomize rows of data in a Excel? – User friendly Tech help

Problem:- How to randomize the given set of data in an Excel?nnSolution: – We would try to shuffle the rows of data in a given excel. We would try it manually first followed by code written in Vb-script.nnnManual Approach:- nStep1:- Add column(say Random) in the starting of the excelnnStep2:- Apply formula to the first cell (=Rand ())…

How to maximise browser window in Selenium ? – User friendly Tech help

Scenario:- n What are the options we have to maximize our application using Selenium  nn n n n n n Motivating others to maximize their learning by sharing more. n n n Note:- Above image may look irrelevant as per the topic, but it is to motivate ppl to unleash their hidden potential,maximize learning and share more like a colorful…

Creating Pure Functional Component using React Memo – User friendly Tech help

import React from ‘react’;nimport Tabs from ‘../Tabs’;nimport ‘./RightPanel.scss’;nnnconst RightPanel = () => (n n n n n You are on Index.jsx filen n n You are on Panel.jsx filen n n n n);nnexport default RightPanel;n n Sample code where we are using Class component, when though we could have used functional component. n class RightPanel…

Creating a salesforce lightning web component in visual studio code – User friendly Tech help

import { LightningElement, track } from ‘lwc’;nnexport default class HelloLWC extends LightningElement {n //default valuesn @track typedValue = ”;n salutationOptions = [n {‘label’: ‘None’, ‘value’: ‘None’},n {‘label’: ‘Mr.’, ‘value’: ‘Mr.’},n {‘label’: ‘Ms.’, ‘value’: ‘Ms.’},n {‘label’: ‘Mrs.’, ‘value’: ‘Mrs.’},n {‘label’: ‘Dr.’, ‘value’: ‘Dr.’},n {‘label’: ‘Prof.’, ‘value’: ‘Prof.’},n ];nn //method on click of buttonn handleClick(){n const txtInput…

How Facebook tests Facebook? – User friendly Tech help

Thought of sharing a video “How facebook test facebook on Android“, this is taken from GTAC-2013(The Google Test Automation Conference (GTAC) is an annual test automation conference hosted by Google. It brings together engineers from industry and academia to discuss advances in test automation and the test engineering computer science field)nnn n nnHope you will…

Writing first test Case using Robot Framework? – User friendly Tech help

After our successful installation of Robot Framework and its required components or say dependencies, we would be writing our basic test case to taste the flavor of our newly learned framework. n nDo follow us on  Fb,G+,Twitter, it encourages us to learn and share more.nManual Test Case:-n[TC-001]-Launching the browser and search and launch the “uftHelp”…