Introduction to JAVA – User friendly Tech help

Have faith, love and courage to learn and share with others.That is what we at uftHelp believe in.nnWe are starting this series of tutorials with focus on JAVA programming language.Do follow us on Fb,G+,Twitter for more updates.n History:-nIt kick-started in 1991, when a group of Sun Microsystem engineers team (called as Green Team, led by James Gosling) put up their efforts…

Launch custom LWC from Quick Action using Lightning Component – User friendly Tech help

Problem- Using Quick Action to launch custom Lightning web components. n Solution:-  n n Create a Lightning component as a wrapper for Quick action, to launch in subTab by using Open SFDC interface. n n ({ n init: function(component) {n var workspaceAPI = component.find(“workspace”);n workspaceAPI.getFocusedTabInfo().then(function(response) {n workspaceAPI.openSubtab({n parentTabId: response.tabId,n pageReference: {n “type”: “standard__component”,n “attributes”: {n…

Conditional display of elements/data using Angular Js Directives. – User friendly Tech help

Today we would learn frequently used Angular JS directives. n Problem:- How to achieve conditional construct in Angular js?n nn Solution:- We would achieve it by using built in directives of Angular JS.n n 1. ng-Switch:-We can control the conditional display of data. n It is similar to Switch-Case in JavaScript. n JavaScript syntax:-nSwitch(expression) {…

“Hello World!”- My First Java Program in Eclipse. – User friendly Tech help

Understanding IDE of Eclipse is the core for starting with Selenium. Today we are trying our age long program “Hello World!” in Eclipse using Java.Hope it would motivate our automation lovers in the journey towards Java and Selenium using Eclipse 🙂nnRequirement:- How to write a Java program in Eclipse?nnSolution:-nStep1:-nAfter downloading Eclipse, launch the IDE and…

Test Directory structure of UFT files. – User friendly Tech help

Scenario: – We have created new Test with the name “blog” and let us observe the folder structure created by UFT. On creating of new GUI Test in UFT, by default two actions (Action0, Action1) is created.n n Action1:– It contains details about our first Action and is visible in “Editor” (Keyword view of QTP)…

How to call Javascript/VBS functions in Robot Framework. – User friendly Tech help

Scenario:-How we can call javascript/vbs functions in Robot Framework?nSolution:- nVBS:-nUsing the python function to call the VBS file. n Download the working code. n Javascript:-nUsing the inbuilt Keyword in Selenium2Lib called as “Execute Javascript“. nn Learn Robot Frameworkn