Extract data from Custom Metadata type using vlocity Dataraptor

Instructions to Extract Data from Custom Metadata using Vlocity Dataraptor: Create Custom Metadata Type in Salesforce: Navigate to Salesforce setup and create a Custom Metadata type. For more details, you can refer to Setup > custom metatype. Create an Extract Dataraptor: Once the Custom Metadata type is set up, proceed to create an Extract Dataraptor….

Learning basic’s of Extensible MarkUp Language(XML) – User friendly Tech help

Scenario:– Learning XML, Rules and Meaning of XML, Well formed XML, Delimiters in XML n Solution :- In this video tutorial we tried to touch basics of XML. n What is XML? n n Extensible Markup Language n Extensible :- Capable of Being Extended n Markup :- In the form of tags, indicating logical components…

QTP-11 (HP0-M47) Certification Questions(Part-1) – User friendly Tech help

Following are list of some important questions that I thought of sharing with QTP lovers. Request you all experienced certified professionals to share your knowledge and questions for aspirants preparing for certification. n 1.   What is the use of Data table in custom checkpoint? n a.   To fetch data from external data source n b.  …

Difference between {{}} and ng-bind in AngularJS – User friendly Tech help

To bind our data to the HTML page, Angular gives the ability to use {{}} known as double curly brackets or ng-bind.Both ways are performing the same functionality.n nn {{}} n Example:-       n name is JS object or some variable we are referring to. n It makes your template very readable i.e Anyone…

Vlocity, salesforce amend the existing Omniscript Controls – User friendly Tech help

Prerequisite:- Need access to vlocity omniscript (OS) templates, we need vlcTel.txt code base, so we can override the existing omniscript telephone control behavior n Before > SFDC has phone value as 8 digits say, OS won’t show its value on the UI by default as ng-pattern won’t be valid thus it’s not pre-populated with 8…

VB-Scripting CDate v/s IsDate function – User friendly Tech help

Function Name:- CdatennMeaning :- Returns expression in the form of variant date.n Syntax:- Cdate(date) n n date argument should be valid date format n CDate recognizes date formats according to the locale setting of your system. n n Function Name:- IsDatennMeaning :- Returns Boolean value, telling whether date conversion of expression is possible or notnnSyntax:- IsDate(expression) n…

Working with prettier in Visual studio code – User friendly Tech help

n “Whenever you are confronted with an opponent, conquer them with love.” n n What is prettier ? n In layman terms its an handy tool that will format our code against some set standards, default formatting rules to achieve consistent code style. n How to install prettier  in VS Code? n n Search > Prettier…