Handy tips and Tools for working with wordpress -Part2? – User friendly Tech help

n “The best teachers are those who show you where to look, but don’t tell you what to see.” n n 1.How to add text-slider in wordpress pages ?nSolution:-nBy using the “Text slider“ plugin n Activate the plugin > Add the Main and Sub text > Configure the settings > add the wp_text_slider();n?> in the…

Call to Existing Action in UFT ? – User friendly Tech help

What is a Action in UFT ? n Action is a logical set of statements which provides structure to our automation testing.In simple words,Actions help us divide our test into logical parts.For instance our Application = ‘Booking Tickets”, can have action’s like Login to application, Book the ticket, Credit card payment and Logout .nThus we…

Importance syntax rules when working with JAVA – User friendly Tech help

Lets learn some of the basic and critical rules that we should know as JAVA developers.n n Being aware of a single shortcoming within yourself is far more useful than being aware of a thousand in someone else. n 1. Name of Class should start with uppercase letter.nExample:- nMyFirstClass rather than myfirstclassnn2.Methods and variables of class…

AngularJS Interview Questions-Set1 – User friendly Tech help

Here comes our first set of Interview questions on Angular JS. Hope it assist the job aspirants to crack the interviews.nnDo like our Facebook page or follow on Twitter for more questions.nnIt is said “The end justifies the beginning” ,so begin right,prepare well for the interview and crack it.n n n n n n n…

Tooltip that follows cursor using Directive in AngularJS – User friendly Tech help

How to create a custom tooltip using Directive in AngularJS? n Scenario: – n Today our target is to create a tooltip which is visible on mouseover an HTML element. n Approach: –  n We would utilize “Directive” methodology of Angular JS in achieving this. n Incase You like our tutorial, please help us to share it with…

Handy tips while working with Salesforce Vlocity Dataraptors – User friendly Tech help

Problem- How to improve productivity while working with Dataraptors n 1)Always start with creating new version of the dataraptor, it avoids overwriting the existing stable changes, or you can always fall back to previous versions in case your changes don’t work as expected. n 2)In Extract Data raptor, to fasten the mapping process, its better…