Working with Object Repository Merge Tool in UFT/QTP – User friendly Tech help

Scenario:- How we can merge two object Repositories in UFTnnnSolution:- We need to use “Object Repository Merge Tool ” available in “Object Repository Manager” in UFT.nnLocate:- Resources – Object Repository Manager – Tools – Object Repository Merge Toolnn nnImportant :- n n Used for Merging and Resolving Conflicts n We cannot work with Object Repository Manager or the Object Repository…

Call to Existing Action in UFT ? – User friendly Tech help

What is a Action in UFT ? n Action is a logical set of statements which provides structure to our automation testing.In simple words,Actions help us divide our test into logical parts.For instance our Application = ‘Booking Tickets”, can have action’s like Login to application, Book the ticket, Credit card payment and Logout .nThus we…

How to make Password field visible to user in Angular JS? – User friendly Tech help

From long back we were planning to share our knowledge on the emerging technologies in the world. To quench your thirst we are launching our first post on Angular JS pragmatic scenarios.Hope your feedback and suggestions will motivate us to share more with the technology lovers. n Requirement:- How a user can check the password entered…

Change layout of default signup form of MailChimp? – User friendly Tech help

Problem:- Mailchimp is good for creating signup forms, but i can change the layout of signup forms and make them look fancy?n The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one.”Elbert HubbardnPr-requisites:-n1.Create account with mailchimp(as of now its free for 2000 subscribers)n2.Login with new account, create…

How to use/configure Google Maps API in your application? – User friendly Tech help

Requirement:- We need to implement google maps in our application, how we can configure that.nNote:- We can use the below approach to generate API key(lat and lng values) and need to install dedependency for adding google api in Vue.js project.nn Github code n Solution:-nStep1:-Generate maps Key to use Google APIn a) Click the “GET A KEY”…

Example scenarios for working with Dictionary Object Using vbscript. – User friendly Tech help

Every day you wake up is a victory. Learn more and share more….nnConcept 1:-How to find the occurrence count of item in a given sample?nnn Using dictionary object we would find the count of occurrence of given value in the sample. n Example: – we need to find the “Help” words in the given string…

Javascript Interview Questions(Part-4) – User friendly Tech help

JavaScript Coding interview questions with solutions:-nnQuestion1:-n You would like to set a password for a bank account. However, there are three restrictions on the format of the password:it has to contain only alphanumerical characters (a−z, A−Z, 0−9);there should be an even number of letters;there should be an odd number of digits.You are given a string…

World Conference Next Generation Testing (WCNGT-2013) – User friendly Tech help

Today i thought of sharing our experience for “World Conference Next Gen Testing ” which nwas held at Bangalore between 11-12th July, 2013. It was our first exposure to any nconference which was getting organized at an international level, with participation of  neminent personalities from the testing community.nnnnnOur team was lucky to crack the initial two rounds of…