Practical UFT Interview questions-Part-2 – User friendly Tech help

Today i thought of sharing the common practical scenario to excel in Interview of UFT/QTPnnScenario:-nWe want UFT to select checkbox in the table corrensponding to company name of “Oracle“.nnnn n nnnnnDear readers please share your solutions, it will be of great help for buddy job seekersnnMore Questions?

How to enable debug mode for Lightning web components ? – User friendly Tech help

Problem- In the developer environment I want to debug my LWC but it’s coming as minified when rendered in browser sources and also shows proxy data? n Setup > debug mode > select the one under lightning  components n Edit your user > enable “Debug mode” n n Now in the browser, you can see…

Creating Rest API using Sails framework? – User friendly Tech help

What is Sails?n n Pre-reqiuistes:- n 1. Install node.js  n 2. Install Sails  npm install -g sails ( installing sails package globally) n Creating our rest api project :- n Step1:- Create Sails project (with no frontend as we are showing api example) n sails new –no-frontendn nStep2:- It will automatically create our template folders…

Selenium Interview Questions – Part-2 – User friendly Tech help

Interview questions for Amazon first telephonic round for QAE role. nnDo share your experience or questions in the comments section to help others QA fellows in cracking the interviews.nnnn n nIt said If you stumble make it part of the dance.nnLets prepare well and if we stumble just make it part of the answer 🙂nn1.What are you…

Install and configure Apache server on Ubuntu? – User friendly Tech help

Quick recipe to install and configure apache server?nStep1:- Update the package manager and install apache2nExecute the below commands in terminal:-  n n sudo apt-get update n sudo apt-get install apache2 n n sudo – super usernapt-get, for latest packagennnStep2:- Edit the apache configuration file n n sudo nano /etc/apache2.conf n nn nScroll to the end…

Robot Framework- Working with Excel Library(Part-2) – User friendly Tech help

Life is short..share while you still have knowledge.nWe started with installation of Excel Library in Robot Framework , today we would focus on utilizing the keywords present in the Excel Library.nNext is publishing run results into ExcelnnWe can connect on Fb,G+,Twitter to spread more learning.nnScenario:- How we can fetch data from Excel in Robot framework to parameter our test cases.nnSolution:-…

Keyword Driven Framework in Automation – User friendly Tech help

What is a Keyword Framework?nnKeyword Driven Framework refer to an application-independent automation framework, where for a particular test case, we would create an set of keywords and then associate an action (or function) which each of these keyword.These keywords run independent of the test automation tool used to execute them and the test script code that “drives” the application-under-test and…

Executing first test case in Selenium IDE – User friendly Tech help

We are done with basic overview of Selenium IDE and its installation,now we are sailing towards writing our first test case in Selenium  IDE.nnAutomation Scenario:-n1.Launch Gmail Applicationn2.Fill wrong values of Email and Passwordn3.Click “Sign in” buttonn4.Verify the Error MessagennRemember our flow will consist of “Record” ->”Playback”nnSolution:-nnStep1:- n n Launch Firefox,open Selenium IDE(ALT+CTRL+S) n Type the…